Conditions and Injuries: Safety Education |
Public bicycle share
programs and head injuries, 2014 |
How can we teach them
about neurotrauma prevention? Prospective and randomized "Pense
Bem-Caxias do Sul" study with multiple interventions in preteens and
adolescents, 2014 |
Safety in numbers?
Investigating Australian driver behaviour, knowledge and attitudes towards
cyclists, 2014 |
Driver behavior during
bicycle passing maneuvers in response to a Share the Road sign treatment,
2014 |
Active transportation: Do
current traffic safety policies protect non-motorists? 2014 |
Public opinion on motor
vehicle-related injury prevention policies: a systematic review of a decade
of research, 2014 |
BikeSafe: Evaluating a
bicycle safety program for middle school aged children, 2014 |
Five road safety education
programmes for young adolescent pedestrians and cyclists: A multi-programme
evaluation in a field setting, 2014 |
Public opinion on motor
vehicle-related injury prevention policies: a systematic review of a decade
of research, 2014 |
Does injury prevention
education initiate household changes in a spanish-speaking minority
population? 2014 |
Effectiveness of two
interventions in preventing traffic accidents: a systematic review, 2014 |
Studying the role of
vision in cycling: critique on restricting research to fixation behaviour,
2013 |
Prevention of
bicycle-related injuries in children and youth: a systematic review of
bicycle skills training interventions, 2013 |
Inexperience and risky
decisions of young adolescents, as pedestrians and cyclists, in interactions
with lorries, and the effects of competency versus awareness education, 2013 |
Barriers to Bicycle Helmet
Use in Young Children in an Urban Elementary School, 2013 |
Evaluation of a bicycle
helmet safety program for children, 2013 |
Teaching children about
bicycle safety: an evaluation of the New Jersey Bike School program, 2013 |
Prevention of Traumatic
Brain Injury in Youth and Adolescents, 2013 |
Thinkfirst for teens:
finding an injury-prevention approach for teenagers, 2012 |
Twenty-five years of
bicycle helmet promotion for children in Skaraborg District, Sweden, 2012 |
Risk compensation: a male
phenomenon? Results from a controlled intervention trial promoting helmet use
among cyclists, 2012 |
helmet promotion for cyclists: results from a randomised study with
observation of behaviour, using a semi-automatic video system, 2012 |
[School teachers'
knowledge, attitudes and behaviors towards road safety: results from a
multicenter cross-sectional study in Italy], 2012 |
Pediatric bicycle injury
prevention and the effect of helmet use: the West Virginia experience, 2012 |
Progress in reducing
road-related deaths and injuries in Irish children, 2012 |
Preventing injury, 2012 |
[Prevention of road
accidents involving non-motorized traffic participants (pedestrians and
cyclists) in Germany], 2012 |
interventions for the promotion of cycle helmet wearing by children, 2011 |
The effectiveness
of a bicycle safety program for improving safety-related knowledge and
behavior in young elementary students, 2010 |
A community intervention
to prevent traffic accidents among bicycle commuters, 2010 |
Children's bicycle safety
education does not reduce injuries, 2010 |
Use of a safety resource
center in a pediatric emergency department, 2009 |
A multiagency
effort to reduce bicyclist fatalities and serious injuries in New York City,
2009 |
The importance of a
preclinical trial: a selected injury intervention program for pediatric
trauma centers, 2008 |
Evaluating an in-school
injury prevention programme's effect on children's helmet wearing habits,
2008 |
[Cost-effectiveness of
prevention: opportunities for public health policy in the Netherlands], 2008 |
Readiness for
community-based bicycle helmet use programs: a study using community-and
individual-level readiness models, 2008 |
Impact of a
comprehensive safety program on bicycle helmet use among middle-school
children, 2007 |
Promoting bicycle
helmet wearing by children using non-legislative interventions: systematic
review and meta-analysis, 2007 |
Risk Watch:
cluster randomised controlled trial evaluating an injury prevention program,
2007 |
counseling and behavior among US children: results from the second Injury
Control and Risk Survey, 2007 |
The prevalence and
reliability of visibility aid and other risk factor data for uninjured
cyclists and pedestrians in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2007 |
Differences in pediatric
preventive care counseling by provider type, 2007 |
Using PEACE to target
helmet legislation involving nonmotorized wheeled sports in Canada, 2007 |
Development of a bike
helmet safety program, 2006 |
Interventions for
increasing pedestrian and cyclist visibility for the prevention of death and
injuries, 2006 |
Bicycle helmets:
overcoming barriers to use and increasing effectiveness, 2006 |
Universal bicycle helmet
use, 2006 |
Long term effects
of a home visit to prevent childhood injury: three year follow up of a
randomized trial, 2005 |
Community-based programmes
to promote use of bicycle helmets in children aged 0-14 years: a systematic
review, 2005 |
Promoting the use of
bicycle helmets during primary care visits, 2005 |
Using social marketing to
increase the use of helmets among bicyclists, 2005 |
Does office-based
counseling of adolescents and young adults improve self-reported safety
habits? A randomized controlled effectiveness trial, 2005 |
The role of the health
care professional in bicycle safety, 2005 |
interventions for the promotion of cycle helmet wearing by children, 2005 |
[The pediatrician and
traffic safety], 2005 |
Evaluation of a
school-based peer leader bicycle helmet intervention, 2004 |
interventions for road traffic injuries in South Asia, 2004 |
Bicycle helmets--does the
dental profession have a role in promoting their use? 2004 |
Improving bicycle
safety: The role of paediatricians and family physicians, 2004 |
Road traffic injuries: a
new agenda for child health, 2004 |
Promoting and protecting
the health of children and young people, 2004 |
Can social psychological
models be used to promote bicycle helmet use among teenagers? A comparison of
the Health Belief Model, Theory of Planned Behavior and the Locus of Control,
2004 |
Contracting with children
and helmet distribution in the emergency department to improve bicycle helmet
use, 2003 |
Evaluation of a
school-based education program to promote bicycle safety, 2003 |
Health promotion policy
and politics: lessons from childhood injury prevention, 2003 |
Educating grade school
children using a structured bicycle safety program, 2003 |
Design and
implementation of injury prevention curricula for elementary schools: lessons
learned, 2003 |
Bicycle injury prevention
and safety in senior riders, 2003 |
What are the most
effective ways of improving population health through transport
interventions? Evidence from systematic reviews, 2003 |
A bicycle safety education
program for parents of young children, 2003 |
Bicycle helmet
campaigns and head injuries among children. Does poverty matter? 2003 |
Bicycle injuries and
safety helmets in children. Review of research, 2003 |
Injury status and
perspectives on developing community safety promotion in China, 2003 |
Interventions for
increasing pedestrian and cyclist visibility for the prevention of death and
injuries, 2002 |
Promotion of safety
helmets for child bicyclists: 2002 update, 2002 |
Spring--what better time
to teach bike and helmet safety? Ideas for posters and community events, 2002 |
Increasing the use of
bicycle helmets: lessons from behavioral science, 2002 |
A pediatric,
practice-based, randomized trial of drinking and smoking prevention and
bicycle helmet, gun, and seatbelt safety promotion, 2002 |
Behavior change counseling
in the emergency department to reduce injury risk: a randomized, controlled
trial, 2002 |
Statement on bicycle
safety and the promotion of bicycle helmet use, 2002 |
Development of a Swedish
bicycle helmet promotion programme--one decade of experiences, 2002 |
Development and pilot
testing of a bicycle safety questionnaire for adult bicyclists, 2002 |
Persuading school-age
cyclists to use safety helmets: Effectiveness of an intervention based on the
Theory of Planned Behaviour, 2001 |
Bicycle helmets, 2001 |
Surgeons and injury
prevention: what you don't know can hurt you! 2001 |
Informal parental traffic
education and children's bicycling behaviour, 2001 |
Kiwanis Family Safety Day:
a bicycle safety program for your hometown, 2001 |
Correlation between
parental perception and actual childhood patterns of bicycle helmet use and
riding practices: implications for designing injury prevention strategies,
2001 |
Cycling safety:
injury prevention in Oxford cyclists, 2000 |
Preventing bicycle-related
head trauma in children, 2000 |
Reducing one source of
pediatric head injuries, 2000 |
Community-based injury
prevention interventions, 2000 |
Individual-level injury
prevention strategies in the clinical setting, 2000 |
Police enforcement as part
of a comprehensive bicycle helmet program, 2000 |
A hospital led
promotion campaign aimed to increase bicycle helmet wearing among children
aged 11-15 living in West Berkshire 1992-98. 2000 |
Promoting helmet use among
children, 2000 |
Evaluation of a pilot
program in rural schools to increase bicycle and motor vehicle safety, 2000 |
Physician disclosure of
healthy personal behaviors improves credibility and ability to motivate, 2000 |
Preventive services in a
health maintenance organization: how well do pediatricians screen and educate
adolescent patients? 2000 |
[A potential for
prevention of bicycling-related head injuries], 2000 |
Legislative and regulatory
strategies to reduce childhood unintentional injuries, 2000 |
Cost-outcome analysis in
injury prevention and control: eighty-four recent estimates for the United
States, 2000 |
The importance of
obstetricians/ gynecologists in promoting children's unintentional injury
prevention: a focus on bicycle helmet use, 2000 |
Florida's bicycle helmet
law and a bicycle safety educational program: did they help? 1999 |
Epidemiology and
prevention of traffic injuries to urban children and adolescents, 1999 |
[Far too few
schoolchildren use protective helmets when bicycling. Review of the
literature and questionnaires as basis for promotion of increased use of the
helmets], 1999 |
Troo, the Traumaroo
bicycle and playground safety program: a pilot study of kindergarten through
second graders in the southwest, 1999 |
[Health education as a
factor in decreasing traffic accidents], 1999 |
Bicycle helmet
promotion among low income preschool children, 1998 |
Prevention of
bicycle-related injuries: helmets, education, and legislation, 1998 |
School based bicycle safety
education and bicycle injuries in children: a case-control study, 1998 |
Exposure to and compliance
with pediatric injury prevention counseling--United States, 1994. 1998 |
Impact of a
theory based intervention to increase bicycle helmet use in low income
children, 1998 |
Kasdah B'Rosh Tov: a
description and evaluation of the Israeli bicycle helmet campaign, 1998 |
Evaluation of a bicycle
helmet giveaway program--Texas, 1995. 1998 |
Strategies to implement
helmet legislation for child bicyclists, 1998 |
Impact of bicycle helmet
safety legislation on children admitted to a regional pediatric trauma
center, 1998 |
Effect of a bicycle safety
program and free bicycle helmet distribution on the use of bicycle helmets by
elementary school children, 1997 |
Collaborative assessment:
exploring parental injury prevention strategies through bicycle helmet use,
1997 |
Can a combination of local,
regional and national information substantially increase bicycle-helmet
wearing and reduce injuries? Experiences from Sweden, 1997 |
A functional perspective
on social marketing: insights from Israel's bicycle helmet campaign, 1997 |
Bicycle helmet laws: a
current perspective, 1997 |
Maternal Intervention
Strategies in Enforcing Children's Bicycle Helmet Use, 1997 |
Effect of education and
legislation on bicycle helmet use in a multiracial population, 1997 |
Riley Riders Bike Safety
Smart Program, 1997 |
Bicycle helmet
use among American children, 1994. 1996 |
childhood unintentional injuries--what works? A literature review, 1996 |
Injury prevention
counseling opportunities in pediatric otolaryngology, 1996 |
Teaching safety:
evaluation of a children's village in Maryland, 1996 |
Bicycle helmets in Israel:
observed change in usage following a nationwide campaign, 1996 |
Cycle helmets: promotion or
legislation? 1996 |
The effects of a
4-year program promoting bicycle helmet use among children in Quebec, 1996 |
A review of successful
transport and home injury interventions to guide developing countries, 1996 |
Fatal cycling injuries,
1995 |
The Harstad injury
prevention study: hospital-based injury recording used for outcome evaluation
of community-based prevention of bicyclist and pedestrian injury, 1995 |
recommendations: bicycle helmets. National Center for Injury Prevention and
Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1995 |
Evaluation of the
Think First head and spinal cord injury prevention program, 1995 |
Bike helmet campaign making
statewide impact, 1995 |
Evaluation of a subsidy
program to increase bicycle helmet use by children of low-income families,
1995 |
Evolution of a successful
community bicycle helmet campaign, 1995 |
A review of
educational and legislative strategies to promote bicycle helmets, 1995 |
The cost
effectiveness of three programs to increase use of bicycle helmets among
children, 1995 |
Primary and secondary
prevention services in clinical practice. Twenty years' experience in
development, implementation, and evaluation, 1995 |
Promoting children's use of
bicycle helmets, 1995 |
The MORE HEALTH bicycle
safety project, 1995 |
Patterns of injury in
pediatric patients in one Florida community and implications for prevention
programs, 1995 |
The Harstad injury
prevention study: hospital-based injury recording used for outcome evaluation
of community-based prevention of bicyclist and pedestrian injury, 1995 |
Children's traffic safety
program: influence of early elementary school safety education on family seat
belt use, 1995 |
Injury prevention
in an urban setting: challenges and successes, 1995 |
Bicycle-related head
injuries in South Carolina children: what can we do to prevent them? 1994 |
Bicycle helmet
promotion. Prototype for physician activism in injury prevention, 1994 |
The Seattle children's
bicycle helmet campaign: changes in helmet use and head injury admissions,
1994 |
Bicycle-related head
injuries, 1994 |
Canadian Bike
Helmet Coalition, 1994 |
[Can physicians
efficaciously promote the purchase of bicycle helmets?], 1994 |
bicycle helmet use in the community. Measuring response to a wide-scale,
2-year effort, 1994 |
Bicycle helmet
use among schoolchildren. Impact of a community education program and a
cycling fatality, 1994 |
Mandatory bicycle helmet
use following a decade of helmet promotion in Victoria, Australia--an
evaluation, 1994 |
Association between bicycle
helmet legislation, bicycle safety education, and use of bicycle helmets in
children, 1994 |
Psychosocial factors
associated with the use of bicycle helmets among children in counties with
and without helmet use laws, 1994 |
Bicycle-related head
injuries in South Carolina children: what can we do to prevent them? 1994 |
Childhood injury: a current
perspective, 1993 |
Prevention of
bicycle-related injuries in childhood: role of the caregiver, 1993 |
Bicycle safety programs:
targeting injury prevention through education, 1993 |
Injury prevention. Bicycle
helmet promotion programmes, Canada, Australia, and United States of America,
1993 |
Mandatory bicycle helmet
use--Victoria, Australia, 1993 |
Bicycle helmet
counseling by pediatricians: a random national survey, 1993 |
Bicycle helmet
laws and educational campaigns: an evaluation of strategies to increase
children's helmet use, 1993 |
A proposal for
the mandatory inclusion of helmets with new children's bicycles, 1993 |
Cost-effectiveness analysis
of bicycle helmet subsidies in a defined population, 1993 |
Evaluation of a promotional
strategy to increase bicycle helmet use by children, 1993 |
Bicycle helmet promotion
programs--Canada, Australia, and United States, 1993 |
Evaluation of a community
bicycle helmet promotion campaign: what works and why, 1993 |
Road safety education for
schoolchildren, 1993 |
Bicycle helmet law for
children: a case study of activism in injury control, 1992 |
Helmet efficacy in the
prevention of bicyclist head injuries: Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
initiatives in the introduction of compulsory safety helmet wearing in
Victoria, Australia, 1992 |
Evaluation of a program to
prevent head and spinal cord injuries: a comparison between middle school and
high school, 1992 |
Empowering school students
in developing strategies to increase bicycle helmet wearing, 1992 |
Attitudes and knowledge
toward bicycle helmet by school age children, 1992 |
Taking it to the streets.
Helmet use and bicycle safety as components of inner-city youth development,
1992 |
Campaigns focus on helmets
as safety experts warn bicycle riders to use--and preserve--heads, 1992 |
Bicycle helmet use among
Maryland children: effect of legislation and education, 1992 |
Predicting and
reinforcing children's intentions to wear protective helmets while bicycling,
1992 |
Mandatory bicycle helmet
use: experience in Victoria, Australia, 1992 |
Bicycle helmet promotion,
1992 |
A school-based intervention
to increase the use of bicycle helmets, 1992 |
Bicycle helmet law for
children: a case study of activism in injury control, 1992 |
Bicycle injuries and helmet
use in children, 1992 |
Correlates of children's
bicycle helmet use and short-term failure of school-level interventions, 1992 |
How can
physicians get kids to wear bicycle helmets? A prototypic challenge in injury
prevention, 1991 |
Helmet promotion in the
emergency room following a bicycle injury: a randomized trial, 1991 |
Promoting bicycle helmets:
a new focus for injury prevention, 1991 |
in bicycle helmet campaign, 1991 |
Bicycle helmet
campaign, 1991 |
promoting bicycle helmets for children: a randomized trial, 1991 |
CMA launches
bicycle-helmet campaign, hopes to reduce roadside carnage, 1991 |
Promotion of bicycle helmet
use among schoolchildren: a randomized clinical trial, 1991 |
Helmets for
bicyclists--another first for Victoria, 1991 |
How bicycle-related
injuries change bicycling practices in children, 1990 |
The Seattle children's
bicycle helmet campaign, 1990 |
Bicycle safety knowledge
and behavior in school age children, 1990 |
Advocating bicycle helmet
use: a nursing issue, 1990 |
Promoting bicycle helmet
use in children, 1990 |
Bicycle helmet use by
children. Evaluation of a community-wide helmet campaign, 1989 |
Bicycle helmet
subsidy program, 1989 |
What school
children need to learn about injury prevention, 1989 |
Bicycle helmet education
project, 1988 |
Head injuries to pedal
cyclists and the promotion of helmet use in Victoria, Australia, 1988 |
Bicycle helmet
use by children: knowledge and behavior of physicians, 1986 |
Prevention of
bicycle-related head injuries, 1986 |
Bicycles, roller skates and
skateboards: safety promotion and accident prevention, 1986 |
Prevention of childhood
injuries, 1984 |
Bicycle safety:
opportunities for family education, 1983 |
[Good helmet, bicycle paths
and information are necessary to reduce the risks in bicycling], 1981 |
Bicycle safety education,
1974 |