of Cycling Members' Research |
Jill Crussemeyer, PhD |
Areas of Expertise:
Biomechanics, motor control, orthotics and prosthetics |
Cycling Specific Research: |
Non Cycling Research: |
The effects of a core
strength training program in junior elite surfers. (In preparation) |
Strength training
considerations in junior elite surfers. (In preparation) |
The effectiveness of
web-based functional anatomy course lectures. (In
preparation) |
A comparison of upper
body power, strength, endurance and flexibility characteristics of sport
climbers and boulderers. (In preparation) |
Determination of
cardiorespiratory response during mat Pilates exercise. (In preparation) |
Effects of delayed onset
muscle soreness on selected physiological responses to submaximal running,
2003 |
Lower extremity orthoses
and applications for rehabilitation populations, 2001 |
Gait supports PTBO design for
load-bearing relief, Biomechanics, 1997;4:25-33. |
Lower extremity mechanics
and energy cost of walking in high-heeled shoes, 1994 |
Biomechanics of the lower
extremity during running, Medicine, Exercise, Nutrition,
and Health. 1992;1:245-252. |
Validity of the caltrac
accelerometer in estimating energy expenditure and activity in children and
adults. Pediatric Exercise Science, 1991;3:141-151. |
Presentations and Abstracts |
The effects of a core
strength training program in
junior elite surfers. NSCA National Conference, 2013 |
A strategy to gather and
analyze user information quickly. MLGSCA Joint Meeting, San Francisco, CA,
2011 |
Hospital library return on
investment study. MLGSCA Joint Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2011 |
Comparison of upper body power
between sport climbers and boulderers. AAHPERD National Convention, 2011 |
A comparison of active hip and
knee joint range of motion during treadmill walking and deep water running. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 35S, S243, 2003 |
Rearfoot motion of the basic
step and backward lunge at different step heights. Medicine
and Science in Sports and Exercise, 35S, S130, 2003 |
Fundamentals of Pilates and
yoga to improve posture/gait in the older adult. AAHPERD National Convention, 2003 |
Flexibility and heart rate
response to an acute Pilates reformer session. Medicine
and Science in Sports and Exercise, 34S, S258,
2002 |
Kinetic and kinematic
differences between below knee amputees using the College Park TruStep and
anthropometrically matched non-amputee gait. American Academy of Orthotists and
Prosthetists Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium, 2001 |
Preliminary assessment of the
C-LEG knee unit as compared to conventional hydraulic knee units. American Orthotic & Prosthetic
Association National Assembly, 2001 |
Kinetic effects of a locked
ankle joint via an ankle-foot orthosis during walking. Medicine
and Science in Sports and Exercise, 31S, S130, 1999 |
Variability of pronation curve
behavior in running. Medicine and Science in Sports and
Exercise, 31S, S356, 1999 |
Effect of delayed-onset muscle
soreness on the physiological response to endurance exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 31S, S76, 1999 |
Load bearing relief and PTBO
applications. American Physical
Therapy Association meeting, San Diego, 1997 |
Effects of midsole arch
support on subtalar and knee joint function. Research
Quarterly of Exercise and Sport, 67 (supplement), A-20, 1996 |
Effectiveness of shock
absorbing treadmill designs during walking and running. Proceedings of the ninth biennial
conference of the Canadian Society for Biomechanics. 362-363, 1996 |
Step aerobics: Power or
not? Northwest American College
of Sports Medicine, Corvallis, OR, 1996 |
Do people understand lifting?
Northwest American College of Sports Medicine, Corvallis,OR, 1996 |
Strategy selection during
running with speed and height perturbations. Proceedings of the ninth
biennial conference of the Canadian Society for Biomechanics. 306-307, 1996 |
Surface effects on impact
force attenuation. Proceedings of the eighth biennial conference of the
Canadian Society for Biomechanics. 28-29, 1994 |
The effects of stride length
on subtalar and knee joint function. Medicine and
Science in Sports and Exercise, 26S, 1994 |
Reliability of mechanical
power during level treadmill running in males. Medicine
and Science in Sports and Exercise, 24S, S767, 1992 |
The biomechanics and energy
costs of walking in high heels. Medicine and Science in
Sports and Exercise,
24S, S760, 1992 |
Validity of the caltrac
accelerometer in estimating energy expenditure and activity in children and
adults. Canadian Journal of Sports Sciences, 15, 10s, 1990 |