Conditions and Injuries: Helmets: Helmet Utilization |
Bicycle helmet size,
adjustment and stability, 2014 |
risk behaviour in adolescence and socio-economic status: findings from a UK
birth cohort, 2014 |
and helmet use related to non-motorized wheeled activities among pediatric
patients, 2014 |
A school-based study of
adolescent all-terrain vehicle exposure, safety behaviors, and crash
experience, 2014 |
Assessing the potential
for bias in direct observation of adult commuter cycling and helmet use, 2014 |
Racial/ethnic and
socioeconomic disparities in the use of helmets in children involved in
bicycle accidents, 2014 |
How can we teach them
about neurotrauma prevention? Prospective and randomized "Pense
Bem-Caxias do Sul" study with multiple interventions in preteens and
adolescents, 2014 |
Bikes, helmets, and public
health: decision-making when goods collide, 2014 |
Parental attitudes and
behaviours concerning helmet use in childhood activities: Rural focus group
interviews, 2014 |
Parenting influences on
bicycle helmet rules and estimations of children's helmet use, 2014 |
Canadian parents'
attitudes and beliefs about bicycle helmet legislation in provinces with and
without legislation, 2014 |
Helmet Use Among Cyclists
in New York City, 2014 |
Alcohol consumption,
helmet use and head trauma in cycling collisions in Germany, 2014 |
Public opinion on motor
vehicle-related injury prevention policies: a systematic review of a decade
of research, 2014 |
Barriers to Bicycle Helmet
Use in Young Children in an Urban Elementary School, 2013 |
Impact of helmet
use in traumatic brain injuries associated with recreational vehicles, 2013 |
A descriptive study of
bicycle helmet use in Montreal, 2011. 2013 |
Helmet use is associated
with safer bicycling behaviors and reduced hospital resource use following
injury, 2013 |
Factors associated with
bicycle-helmet use among 8-16 years aged Turkish children: a questionnaire
survey, 2013 |
Evolution of bicycle
helmet use and its determinants in France: 2000-2010. 2013 |
Bicycle helmet wearing in
a sample of urban disadvantaged primary school children, 2013 |
Emotional reactions to
cycle helmet use, 2013 |
Helmet Use Among Users of
the Citi Bike Bicycle-Sharing Program: A Pilot Study in New York City, 2013 |
Roadside observation of
secondary school students' commuting to school in Vientiane, Laos, 2013 |
Bicycle helmet
use and bicycling-related injury among young Canadians: an equity analysis,
2013 |
crashes--a medical and technical crash analysis, 2013 |
Prevention of Traumatic
Brain Injury in Youth and Adolescents, 2013 |
Vulnerable roadway users
struck by motor vehicles at the center of the safest, large US city, 2013 |
Personal and trip
characteristics associated with safety equipment use by injured adult
bicyclists: a cross-sectional study, 2012 |
[School teachers'
knowledge, attitudes and behaviors towards road safety: results from a
multicenter cross-sectional study in Italy], 2012 |
Helmet use in
BIXI cyclists in Toronto, Canada: an observational study, 2012 |
Helmet wearing among users
of a public bicycle-sharing program in the district of columbia and
comparable riders on personal bicycles, 2012 |
Prevalence of bicycle
helmet use by users of public bikeshare programs, 2012 |
Pediatric bicycle injury
prevention and the effect of helmet use: the West Virginia experience, 2012 |
Impact of age, location,
and bicycle style on helmet usage by adults, 2012 |
Cyclists' helmet usage and
characteristics in central and southern Malawi: a cross-sectional study, 2012 |
helmet promotion for cyclists: results from a randomised study with
observation of behaviour, using a semi-automatic video system, 2012 |
Prevalence of helmet use
by users of bicycles, push scooters, inline skates and skateboards in Toronto
and the surrounding area in the absence of comprehensive legislation: an
observational study, 2012 |
Two-wheel vehicular
trauma: an age-based analysis, 2012 |
Progress in reducing
road-related deaths and injuries in Irish children, 2012 |
Twenty-five years of
bicycle helmet promotion for children in Skaraborg District, Sweden, 2012 |
Bicycle helmet
use and non-use - recently published research, 2012 |
Risk compensation: a male
phenomenon? Results from a controlled intervention trial promoting helmet use
among cyclists, 2012 |
[Prevention of road
accidents involving non-motorized traffic participants (pedestrians and
cyclists) in Germany], 2012 |
[The helmet: this enemy
that wants to be good to cyclists], 2012 |
The possible effect on
frequency of cycling if mandatory bicycle helmet legislation was repealed in
Sydney, Australia: a cross sectional survey, 2011 |
[Prevalence of helmet use
in children and adolescents in Germany and preventable bicycle-related head
injuries], 2011 |
Bicycle helmet use after
the introduction of all ages helmet legislation in an urban community in
Alberta, Canada, 2011 |
Pattern of mid-facial
fractures in Tehran, Iran, 2011 |
Cycling crashes in
children, adolescents, and adults--a comparative analysis, 2011 |
The determinants of
bicycle helmet use: evidence from Germany, 2011 |
The bicycle helmet
attitudes scale: using the health belief model to predict helmet use among
undergraduates, 2011 |
Preventing bicycle-related
injuries: next steps, 2011 |
interventions for the promotion of cycle helmet wearing by children, 2011 |
Risk compensation and
bicycle helmets, 2011 |
Bicycle helmet use four
years after the introduction of helmet legislation in Alberta, Canada, 2011 |
The effects of provincial
bicycle helmet legislation on helmet use and bicycle ridership in Canada,
2010 |
Using trauma registry data
to guide injury prevention program activities, 2010 |
Bicycle helmet use among
children in the United States: the effects of legislation, personal and
household factors, 2010 |
Potential risk of using
General Estimates System: bicycle safety, 2010 |
variations exist in bike helmet laws across Canada, 2010 |
Factors associated with
incorrect bicycle helmet use, 2010 |
[Adolescents, risk
situations and road safety], 2010 |
The effectiveness
of a bicycle safety program for improving safety-related knowledge and
behavior in young elementary students, 2010 |
Traffic safety behaviour
among young people in different residential settings: the use of seat belts,
bicycle helmets, and reflectors by young people in Sweden, 2009 |
Discrepancy in bicycle
helmet use among college students between two bicycle use purposes: commuting
and recreation, 2009 |
A systematic review of
correct bicycle helmet use: how varying definitions and study quality
influence the results, 2009 |
Associations between
childhood bicycle helmet use, current use, and family and community factors
among college students, 2009 |
[Are bicycle helmets
necessary for children? Pros and cons], 2009 |
Use of a safety resource
center in a pediatric emergency department, 2009 |
Barriers to bicycle helmet
use among Dutch paediatricians, 2008 |
Bicycle helmet legislation
for the uptake of helmet use and prevention of head injuries, 2008 |
Bicycle injury
documentation before and after charting intervention, 2008 |
Mountain biking injuries:
a review, 2008 |
Evaluating an in-school
injury prevention programme's effect on children's helmet wearing habits,
2008 |
Injury risk behaviours
among young Asian New Zealanders: a national survey of secondary school
students, 2008 |
The importance of a
preclinical trial: a selected injury intervention program for pediatric
trauma centers, 2008 |
Jumping off and being
careful: children's strategies of risk management in everyday life, 2008 |
socioeconomic, and attitudinal associations with children's cycle-helmet use
in the absence of legislation, 2007 |
Assessment of determinants
of compliance to twelve health behaviors: psychometric evaluation of the
Health Behavior schedule II, 2007 |
Bicycle helmet legislation
for the uptake of helmet use and prevention of head injuries, 2007 |
School regulations
governing bicycle helmet use and head injuries among Japanese junior high
school students, 2007 |
Awareness of the bicycle
helmet law in North Carolina, 2007 |
Impact of a
comprehensive safety program on bicycle helmet use among middle-school
children, 2007 |
Promoting bicycle
helmet wearing by children using non-legislative interventions: systematic
review and meta-analysis, 2007 |
[Injuries among children
and adolescents (1-17 years) and implementation of safety measures. Results
of the nationwide German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children
and Adolescents (KiGGS)], 2007 |
Risk Watch:
cluster randomised controlled trial evaluating an injury prevention program,
2007 |
counseling and behavior among US children: results from the second Injury
Control and Risk Survey, 2007 |
disparity in bicycle helmet use by children six years after the introduction
of legislation, 2006 |
Predicting bicycle helmet
wearing intentions and behavior among adolescents, 2006 |
Bicycle helmet
prevalence two years after the introduction of mandatory use legislation for
under 18 year olds in Alberta, Canada, 2006 |
Bicycle helmets:
overcoming barriers to use and increasing effectiveness, 2006 |
Effectiveness of
bicycle helmet legislation to increase helmet use: a systematic review, 2006 |
Universal bicycle helmet
use, 2006 |
When adults wear bike
helmets, so do kids, 2005 |
associated with bicycle helmet use among young adolescents in a multinational
sample, 2005 |
Peer and adult companion
helmet use is associated with bicycle helmet use by children, 2005 |
Using social marketing to
increase the use of helmets among bicyclists, 2005 |
Does office-based
counseling of adolescents and young adults improve self-reported safety
habits? A randomized controlled effectiveness trial, 2005 |
Community-based programmes
to promote use of bicycle helmets in children aged 0-14 years: a systematic
review, 2005 |
interventions for the promotion of cycle helmet wearing by children, 2005 |
Youth risk behavior
survey: Bangkok, Thailand, 2005 |
[Use of helmets with
bicycles and motorbikes], 2005 |
Bicycle helmet use in
Sweden during the 1990s and in the future, 2005 |
[Change in attitude to
bicycle helmets after serious accidents], 2004 |
Evaluation of a
school-based peer leader bicycle helmet intervention, 2004 |
Child and family
safety device affordability by country income level: an 18 country
comparison, 2004 |
Youth risk behaviour in a
Chinese population: a territory-wide youth risk behavioural surveillance in
Hong Kong, 2004 |
Cycle helmet
ownership and use; a cluster randomised controlled trial in primary school
children in deprived areas, 2004 |
Bicycle-related injuries
to children and parental attitudes regarding bicycle safety, 2004 |
A local bicycle helmet
'law' in a Swedish municipality - the effects on helmet use, 2004 |
Matched analysis of
parent's and children's attitudes and practices towards motor vehicle and
bicycle safety: an important information gap, 2004 |
[Health problems and
health behaviors of preschoolers], 2004 |
Can social psychological
models be used to promote bicycle helmet use among teenagers? A comparison of
the Health Belief Model, Theory of Planned Behavior and the Locus of Control,
2004 |
Parental knowledge and
children's use of bicycle helmets, 2003 |
Parent-child concordance
on reported barriers to helmet use by children, 2003 |
Contracting with children
and helmet distribution in the emergency department to improve bicycle helmet
use, 2003 |
bicycle helmet use and injuries in Hillsborough County, Florida before and
after helmet legislation, 2003 |
Inequalities in
cycle helmet use: cross sectional survey in schools in deprived areas of
Nottingham, 2003 |
Evaluation of a
school-based education program to promote bicycle safety, 2003 |
Risk compensation
theory and voluntary helmet use by cyclists in Spain, 2003 |
Educating grade school
children using a structured bicycle safety program, 2003 |
Predictors of bicycle
helmet usage among seniors, 2003 |
Bicycle helmet assessment
during well visits reveals severe shortcomings in condition and fit, 2003 |
Bicycle injuries and
safety helmets in children. Review of research, 2003 |
Design and
implementation of injury prevention curricula for elementary schools: lessons
learned, 2003 |
Influence of socioeconomic
status on the effectiveness of bicycle helmet legislation for children: a
prospective observational study, 2003 |
What are the most
effective ways of improving population health through transport
interventions? Evidence from systematic reviews, 2003 |
The use of bicycle helmets
in a western Canadian province without legislation, 2003 |
Child bicyclist
injuries: are we obtaining enough information in the emergency department
chart? 2002 |
A local bicycle helmet
'law' in a Swedish municipality--the structure and process of initiation and
implementation, 2002 |
Bicycle helmet-wearing
variation and associated factors in Ontario teenagers and adults, 2002 |
Behavior change counseling
in the emergency department to reduce injury risk: a randomized, controlled
trial, 2002 |
Helmet use: a survey of 4
common childhood leisure activities, 2002 |
New Zealand
bicycle helmet law--do the costs outweigh the benefits? 2002 |
Bicycle safety helmet
usage in Berlin 1999: an observational study, 2002 |
Cycling and alcohol, 2002 |
Promotion of safety
helmets for child bicyclists: 2002 update, 2002 |
Development of a Swedish
bicycle helmet promotion programme--one decade of experiences, 2002 |
Increasing the use of
bicycle helmets: lessons from behavioral science, 2002 |
Effects of state helmet
laws on bicycle helmet use by children and adolescents, 2002 |
Effect of legislation on
the use of bicycle helmets, 2002 |
community bicycle helmet use among children, 2002 |
Helmet availability at
skiing and snowboarding rental shops. a survey of Colorado ski resort rental
practices, 2002 |
Correlation between
parental perception and actual childhood patterns of bicycle helmet use and
riding practices: implications for designing injury prevention strategies,
2001 |
Persuading school-age
cyclists to use safety helmets: Effectiveness of an intervention based on the
Theory of Planned Behaviour, 2001 |
Use of alcohol as a risk
factor for bicycling injury, 2001 |
The association between
risk-taking behavior and the use of safety devices in adolescents, 2001 |
Effectiveness of a state
law mandating use of bicycle helmets among children: an observational
evaluation, 2001 |
Bicycle helmets, 2001 |
Mandatory helmet
legislation and children's exposure to cycling, 2001 |
Bicycle helmet use among
schoolchldren--the influence of parental involvement and children's
attitudes, 2001 |
Associations between adult
and child bicycle helmet use, 2001 |
Barriers to bicycle helmet
use, 2001 |
Trends and subgroup
differences in transportation-related injury risk and safety behaviors among
high school students, 1991-1997. 2001 |
Children's risk perception
and parents' views on levels of risk that children attach to outdoor
activities, 2000 |
Infant and child safety
practices of parents, 2000 |
Progress toward attainment
of the Healthy People 2000 objectives in the U.S. Army: measured by health
risk appraisal results, 2000 |
Police enforcement as part
of a comprehensive bicycle helmet program, 2000 |
A hospital led
promotion campaign aimed to increase bicycle helmet wearing among children
aged 11-15 living in West Berkshire 1992-98. 2000 |
Measuring injury
risk factors: question reliability in a statewide sample, 2000 |
Age gradient in the
cost-effectiveness of bicycle helmets, 2000 |
Evaluation of a pilot
program in rural schools to increase bicycle and motor vehicle safety, 2000 |
Exploration of the
barriers to bicycle helmet use among 12 and 13 year old children, 2000 |
Cycling safety:
injury prevention in Oxford cyclists, 2000 |
Florida's bicycle helmet
law and a bicycle safety educational program: did they help? 1999 |
A comparison of
the effect of different bicycle helmet laws in 3 New York City suburbs, 1999 |
Urban and rural
patterns of bicycle helmet use: factors predicting usage, 1999 |
Cycle helmet effectiveness
in New Zealand, 1999 |
Injury prevention
behaviors: A report card for the nation, 1995. 1999 |
Health behaviour and the
school environment in New South Wales, Australia, 1999 |
Road traffic accident
injuries in Kampala, 1999 |
[Far too few
schoolchildren use protective helmets when bicycling. Review of the
literature and questionnaires as basis for promotion of increased use of the
helmets], 1999 |
The circumstances and
scope for prevention of maxillofacial injuries in cyclists, 1999 |
Developing quality
measures for adolescent care: validity of adolescents' self-reported receipt
of preventive services, 1999 |
The relationship between
early age of onset of initial substance use and engaging in multiple health
risk behaviors among young adolescents, 1999 |
Epidemiology of
bicycle injury, head injury, and helmet use among children in British
Columbia: a five year descriptive study. Canadian Hospitals Injury, Reporting
and Prevention Program (CHIRPP), 1998 |
Injury reporting
in Connecticut newspapers, 1998 |
Bicycle helmet
promotion among low income preschool children, 1998 |
Clueless: parental
knowledge of risk behaviors of middle school students, 1998 |
Middle school students and
bicycle helmet use: knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, 1998 |
Exposure to and compliance
with pediatric injury prevention counseling--United States, 1994. 1998 |
Bicycle safety behavior in
Paris and Boston, 1998 |
Impact of a
theory based intervention to increase bicycle helmet use in low income
children, 1998 |
Rates of, and the
factors affecting, cycle helmet use among secondary schoolchildren in East
Sussex and Kent, 1998 |
Health risk behaviors of
adolescent participants in organized sports, 1998 |
Kasdah B'Rosh Tov: a
description and evaluation of the Israeli bicycle helmet campaign, 1998 |
Maternal employment and
preventive child health practices, 1998 |
Cycle helmet ownership and
wearing; results of a survey in South Staffordshire, 1998 |
Evaluation of a bicycle
helmet giveaway program--Texas, 1995. 1998 |
Bicycle helmet protection
in the Fox Point community, 1998 |
Reported bicycle helmet use
among adults in the United States, 1998 |
Lifestyles and health risks
of collegiate athletes: a multi-center study, 1998 |
Strategies to implement
helmet legislation for child bicyclists, 1998 |
Prevention of
bicycle-related injuries: helmets, education, and legislation, 1998 |
Impact of bicycle helmet
safety legislation on children admitted to a regional pediatric trauma
center, 1998 |
Effect of a bicycle safety
program and free bicycle helmet distribution on the use of bicycle helmets by
elementary school children, 1997 |
Risk-taking behaviors among
adolescent trauma patients, 1997 |
Risk-taking behaviours in a
sample of New Zealand adolescents, 1997 |
Bicycle helmet laws: a
current perspective, 1997 |
Use of bicycle helmets by
Greensboro children, 1997 |
Health risk behaviors among
California college students, 1997 |
Observational evaluation of
compliance with traffic regulations among helmeted and nonhelmeted
bicyclists, 1997 |
Maternal Intervention
Strategies in Enforcing Children's Bicycle Helmet Use, 1997 |
Does sharing the
cost of a bicycle helmet help promote helmet use? 1997 |
Cyclists should
wear helmets. Australian laws making helmets compulsory deterred people from
cycling, 1997 |
Cyclists should
wear helmets. Increasing the number of cyclists is more important, 1997 |
Evaluation of a four-year
bicycle helmet promotion campaign in Quebec aimed at children ages 8 to 12:
impact on attitudes, norms and behaviours, 1997 |
Relationship between
cigarette smoking and health risk and problem behaviors among US adolescents,
1997 |
Evaluation of a statewide
bicycle helmet law via multiple measures of helmet use, 1997 |
Effect of education and
legislation on bicycle helmet use in a multiracial population, 1997 |
Can a combination of local,
regional and national information substantially increase bicycle-helmet
wearing and reduce injuries? Experiences from Sweden, 1997 |
Collaborative assessment:
exploring parental injury prevention strategies through bicycle helmet use,
1997 |
Bicycle helmet
use, 1996 |
A community based
approach to bicycle helmet use counts, 1996 |
Bicycle helmet
use among American children, 1994. 1996 |
Children's bicycle helmet
attitudes and use. Association with parental rules. The Pediatric Practice
Research Group, 1996 |
New Jersey college
students' high-risk behavior: will we meet the health objectives for the year
2000? 1996 |
Bicycle riding and
oral/maxillofacial trauma in young children, 1996 |
Effect of a state law on
reported bicycle helmet ownership and use, 1996 |
Injury prevention
counseling opportunities in pediatric otolaryngology, 1996 |
attitudes towards bicycle helmets three years after the introduction of
mandatory wearing, 1996 |
Helmet use among university
bicyclists, 1996 |
Factors influencing use of
bicycle helmets among undergraduate students, 1996 |
Increasing bicycle helmet
use among school-age children, 1996 |
Teaching safety:
evaluation of a children's village in Maryland, 1996 |
Bicycle helmets in Israel:
observed change in usage following a nationwide campaign, 1996 |
Bicycle helmet use patterns
among children, 1996 |
Experiences in the first
year. Community hospital pediatric trauma center, 1996 |
Cycle helmets: promotion or
legislation? 1996 |
The effects of a
4-year program promoting bicycle helmet use among children in Quebec, 1996 |
A comparative analysis of
alcohol in fatal and nonfatal bicycling injuries, 1996 |
A prospective investigation
of the impact of alcohol consumption on helmet use, injury severity, medical
resource utilization, and health care costs in bicycle-related trauma, 1995 |
Parental responses to a
child bicycle helmet ordinance, 1995 |
Evaluation of a subsidy
program to increase bicycle helmet use by children of low-income families,
1995 |
Evolution of a successful
community bicycle helmet campaign, 1995 |
The cost
effectiveness of three programs to increase use of bicycle helmets among
children, 1995 |
Primary and secondary
prevention services in clinical practice. Twenty years' experience in
development, implementation, and evaluation, 1995 |
The MORE HEALTH bicycle
safety project, 1995 |
Barriers to wearing bicycle
safety helmets in The Netherlands, 1995 |
Bicycle helmet use patterns
in the United States. A description and analysis of national survey data,
1995 |
Bicycle helmet use and
compliance: a northeastern Ontario roadside survey, 1995 |
The Ohio Bicycle Injury
Study, 1995 |
recommendations: bicycle helmets. National Center for Injury Prevention and
Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1995 |
Injury prevention
strategies to promote helmet use decrease severe head injuries at a level I
trauma center, 1995 |
The Seattle children's
bicycle helmet campaign: changes in helmet use and head injury admissions,
1994 |
legislation could decrease cycling, 1994 |
Variation of bicycle helmet
use rates with route distance, 1994 |
Cycle helmets. Do
not separate bicycles from motor vehicles, 1994 |
Cycle helmets.
Deter people from cycling, 1994 |
Canadian Bike
Helmet Coalition, 1994 |
[Can physicians
efficaciously promote the purchase of bicycle helmets?], 1994 |
bicycle helmet use in the community. Measuring response to a wide-scale,
2-year effort, 1994 |
Bicycle helmet
use among schoolchildren. Impact of a community education program and a
cycling fatality, 1994 |
Mandatory bicycle helmet
use following a decade of helmet promotion in Victoria, Australia--an
evaluation, 1994 |
Rates of bicycle
helmet use in an affluent Michigan County, 1994 |
Association between bicycle
helmet legislation, bicycle safety education, and use of bicycle helmets in
children, 1994 |
Current bicycle helmet
ownership, use and related factors among school-aged children in metropolitan
Toronto, 1994 |
Psychosocial factors
associated with the use of bicycle helmets among children in counties with
and without helmet use laws, 1994 |
Mandatory bicycle helmet
use--Victoria, Australia, 1993 |
Bicycle helmet
laws and educational campaigns: an evaluation of strategies to increase
children's helmet use, 1993 |
A proposal for
the mandatory inclusion of helmets with new children's bicycles, 1993 |
Cost-effectiveness analysis
of bicycle helmet subsidies in a defined population, 1993 |
Parental attitudes toward
legislation for helmet use by child cyclists, 1993 |
Evaluation of a promotional
strategy to increase bicycle helmet use by children, 1993 |
Bicycle helmet promotion
programs--Canada, Australia, and United States, 1993 |
Bicycle helmet
use by adults: the impact of companionship, 1993 |
Evaluation of a community
bicycle helmet promotion campaign: what works and why, 1993 |
Prevention of
bicycle-related injuries in childhood: role of the caregiver, 1993 |
Injury prevention. Bicycle
helmet promotion programmes, Canada, Australia, and United States of America,
1993 |
Empowering school students
in developing strategies to increase bicycle helmet wearing, 1992 |
Attitudes and knowledge
toward bicycle helmet by school age children, 1992 |
Taking it to the streets.
Helmet use and bicycle safety as components of inner-city youth development,
1992 |
Correlates of children's
bicycle helmet use and short-term failure of school-level interventions, 1992 |
Bicycle helmet survey, 1992 |
Bicycle helmet use among
Maryland children: effect of legislation and education, 1992 |
Predicting and
reinforcing children's intentions to wear protective helmets while bicycling,
1992 |
Mandatory bicycle helmet
use: experience in Victoria, Australia, 1992 |
Trends in bicycle
helmet use in Ottawa from 1988 to 1991. 1992 |
A school-based intervention
to increase the use of bicycle helmets, 1992 |
Trends in bicycle helmet
use by children: 1985 to 1990. 1992 |
Bicycle injuries and helmet
use in children, 1992 |
[The behavior of
schoolchildren in traffic in the municipality of Frederiksberg], 1991 |
[Use of safety devices
among children and adolescents], 1991 |
promoting bicycle helmets for children: a randomized trial, 1991 |
Helmet use among
competitive cyclists, 1991 |
Promotion of bicycle helmet
use among schoolchildren: a randomized clinical trial, 1991 |
Helmet promotion in the
emergency room following a bicycle injury: a randomized trial, 1991 |
Moving targets:
bicycle-related injuries and helmet use among university students, 1991 |
[Positive with private
support for bicycle helmets], 1990 |
The Seattle children's
bicycle helmet campaign, 1990 |
Bicycle safety knowledge
and behavior in school age children, 1990 |
Bicycle helmet
use in Ottawa, 1990 |
Promoting bicycle helmet
use in children, 1990 |
Attitudes toward bicycle
helmet ownership and use by school-age children, 1990 |
How bicycle-related
injuries change bicycling practices in children, 1990 |
Bicycle helmet use by
children. Evaluation of a community-wide helmet campaign, 1989 |
Bicycle helmet
subsidy program, 1989 |
What school
children need to learn about injury prevention, 1989 |
Barriers to bicycle helmet
use among children. Results of focus groups with fourth, fifth, and sixth
graders, 1989 |
When are cyclists going to
wear helmets? 1988 |
helmets and head injuries: a rider-based study of helmet use and
effectiveness, 1988 |
Head injuries to pedal
cyclists and the promotion of helmet use in Victoria, Australia, 1988 |
Accident prevention in
competitive cycling, 1988 |
Head injuries,
helmets, cycle lanes, and cyclists, 1988 |
Bicycle helmet
use by children: knowledge and behavior of physicians, 1986 |
Bicycle helmet use by
children, 1986 |
Prevention of
bicycle-related head injuries, 1986 |
Why pedal cyclists should
wear safety helmets, 1984 |