Medical Conditions and Injuries: Pulmonary: Air Pollution
Bicycle Commuting and Exposure to Air Pollution: A Questionnaire-Based Investigation of Perceptions, Symptoms and Risk Management Strategies, 2014
Simulation of Population-Based Commuter Exposure to NO2 Using Different Air Pollution Models, 2014
Review of Urban Bicyclists' Intake and Uptake of Traffic-Related Air Pollution, 2014
Personal exposure to particulate matter in commuters using different transport modes (bus, bicycle, car and subway) in an assigned route in downtown Santiago, Chile, 2014
Physiological Responses to Diesel Exhaust Exposure Are Modified by Cycling Intensity, 2014
Comparison of particulate matter dose and acute heart rate variability response in cyclists, pedestrians, bus and train passengers, 2014
Cyclist route choice, traffic-related air pollution, and lung function: a scripted exposure study, 2013
Personal exposure to specific volatile organic compounds and acute changes in lung function and heart rate variability among urban cyclists, 2012
Respiratory effects of commuters' exposure to air pollution in traffic, 2011
Subclinical responses in healthy cyclists briefly exposed to traffic-related air pollution: an intervention study, 2010
Respiratory health effects of ultrafine and fine particle exposure in cyclists, 2010
Optimal cycling and walking speed for minimum absorption of traffic emissions in the lungs, 2007
Lung epithelial damage at low concentrations of ambient ozone, 1999
Double-blind intervention trial on modulation of ozone effects on pulmonary function by antioxidant supplements, 1999
Acute effects of ozone on pulmonary function of cyclists receiving antioxidant supplements, 1998
Respiratory effects of low-level photochemical air pollution in amateur cyclists, 1994
Impaired exercise performance and pulmonary function in elite cyclists during low-level ozone exposure in a hot environment, 1986
Reduced exercise time in competitive simulations consequent to low level ozone exposure, 1986
Ozone inhalation effects consequent to continuous exercise in females: comparison to males, 1985